Introduction to Coding (using

 As we start the semester off in IDET 4300, we are given a set of standards to fulfill throughout the course. First, we must learn what it means to be "Learners". As a learner, educators must continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning. This leads us to the first standard in becoming a learner which is, to set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness. In order to fully understand this concept, Dr.Elwood instructed us to explore the different coding terms in groups using 

We were given seven different coding terms as a class in order to discover the meaning behind each one. Dr.Elwood divided us into 7 different groups, each group learning a different code. My group was assigned to the word sequencing. We were directed to log into, which had several games focusing on each term. Under sequencing, there were four games, one for each group member. My game was titled Creating Art with Code. The purpose of the game was to create a sequence to create or complete a drawing. For example, my first challenge was to finish tracing the other half of the square using only the options provided. My options were to move either forward or backward by a specific amount of pixels, or move right or left by 45,60,90,120, or 180 degrees. For this example, I started on the top left corner and my objective was to get to the bottom right corner of the square. Using my options provided I used the sequence to move forward by 100 pixels, turn right by 90 degrees, and lastly go forward by 100 pixels.

Before this experiment, I had no experience with coding. I didn't know what a pixel was or how to sequence these steps. As I gained more practice I was able to understand the concept and vocabulary better. With my own research, I was able to contribute what I've learned to my class and vise versa. From an educator's perspective, I was able to come up with questions I would ask my students which fulfills one of my ISTE standards involving technology and effectiveness. 

ISTE Standards 
1a: Set professional learning goals to explore and apply teaching strategies for integrating CT practices into learning activities in ways that enhance student learning of both the academic discipline and CS concepts.


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