DoneBlocks NOTES

 DroneBlocks Lab 

Kelly Ramirez-Prado & Aleksandra Johnson

A: Introduction to Tello Drone Programming 

An Overview of Tello and DroneBlocks 

  • Tello: small, affordable, does not have GPS (internal sensors instead), works best indoors

Hello Tello!

  • DroneBlocks provides range of blocks to appropriately code Tello’s flight behavior 

  • Program/Mission: idea that blocks can be executed individually or in a group

  • Since Tello uses sensors and flight control logic instead of GPS, the accuracy is not precise

  • Sequential Logic: each block executed in a specific order

  • Yaw: rotation around vertical axis (Tello spins 360 degrees)

  • Land: land at current location 

A Box Mission 

  • Flying in a box pattern 

  • Nose of drone pointed forward (purple) 

  • Direction of flight (turquoise) 

Loop and Flip 

Variables for the Win 

Adding Logic with if/else Statements 

Land in your Hand 

B: Tell & Art Presents: Dance 

  • Students will learn how to “dance” (flying multiple drones at the same time) with drones by incorporating music , synchronization, and choreography. 

  • (example of dancing drones)

  • We will be able to program the drones with different drone blocks and commands. In order to do so follow the step by step instruction shown in the photo below

  • .

  • Based on the test fly we should be able to tell which location is best to fly Tello. 

  • Once connected students can now begin learning how to synchronize the drones. Synchronization is the movement or activity of two or more things happening at the exact same exact time.

  • Tello will handle the actual athletic maneuvers but it is our job to code the drones to synchronize.

  • Beats per minute is a measurement of beats in a song. Tempo is a concept of speed in music. 


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