WeDo 2.0 Lego Activity Guide

The Objective for the icreate lab is to have students assemble and program a snail to glow and create sound using WeDo 2.0 programming

Introduction: As the educator, I would create a scenario like a storyline that would engage the students. For example, a baby snail has lost its family in the garden, help the baby snail find its way back home using signals and sound.

Model: As a group, we start off by assembling the snail. Students can participate by gathering materials and building the snail using the step-by-step instructions. *Before building make sure to put batteries in the smarthub (body of the snail).

Software:  Once the snail is assembled students are now ready to start programming. First, we start off by connecting the model to a device using the WeDo Lego education app (already pre-downloaded). Push the green button on the smarthub and it will flash blue light to let us know it's connected. Once connected I will help the students to program the snail to do a simple task, as an example, I can ask, Can you help the snail shine a yellow light to find its way home? After a while of me being the one giving directions, I will allow the students to play around and create their own code.  
Example of my code and the result 

ISTE Standards Fulfilled:
2e: Communicate with students, parents, and leaders about the impacts of computing in our world and across diverse roles and professional life, and why these skills are essential for all students.
1d: Develop resilience and perseverance when approaching CS and CT learning experience, build comfort with ambiguity and open-ended problems, and see failure as an opportunity to learn and innovate.
5c: Use a variety of instructional approaches to help students frame problems in ways that can be represented as computational steps or algorithms to be performed by a computer.


  1. Hi Kelly, I love your creation and your plan for engaging your students in this activity! I believe you are teaching students using: 4bDesign authentic learning activities that ask students to leverage a design process to solve problems with awareness of technical and human constraints and defend their design choices.
    Teaching students to solve real world problems by signaling for help if they are in trouble with coding. Great job! I enjoyed reading your blog!

  2. Wonderful job kelly! I love how easy to follow this is for students. Such a fun activity for sure! I agree with Kara that you are using 4bDesign authentic learning activities that ask students to leverage a design process to solve problems with awareness of technical and human constraints and defend their design choices. Great job!


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